Largest Digital Populations in the World by Country as of 2023 (Countries Most Population)

countries largest digital populations world 2023

Nations with the Largest Internet User Base in 2023

Reported by Ani Petrosyan, 23rd February 2023

population in the world countries largest digital populations world 2023
countries largest digital populations world 2023

population in the world

In January 2023, China emerged as the frontrunner among countries boasting the highest number of internet users worldwide. The world’s most populous nation recorded a staggering 1.05 billion internet users, surpassing the third-ranked United States by over threefold, with approximately 311 million users. Remarkably, all BRIC markets witnessed internet user counts exceeding 100 million, constituting four out of the nine countries surpassing the 100 million mark.

Global Internet Usage

As of January 2023, the total number of internet users worldwide reached an impressive five billion. However, there exist significant variations in user distribution across different regions. Eastern Asia accommodates a substantial 1.24 billion internet users, whereas African and Middle Eastern regions exhibited comparatively lower user figures. Additionally, urban areas exhibited a higher prevalence of internet access compared to rural areas.

Internet Adoption in China

China secures the top spot among nations with the highest number of internet users. This achievement can be attributed to its ongoing rapid economic development and the cultural affinity towards technology, as over a billion out of China’s estimated 1.4 billion population are connected online. As of Q3 2022, approximately 82 percent of Chinese internet users reported using WeChat, the country’s most popular social network. On average, Chinese internet users spend an impressive six hours and 25 minutes online each day.

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